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Here are the video lectures we made to cover the IAC. You can also view them on our YouTube and Vimeo Channels

Anaesthetic pre-op assessment.

Covers the role of the anaesthetic pre-op visit, history, examination, investigations and anaesthetic planning and decision making


Presented by Ana Catarina Monteiro

Anaesthetic airway assessment

Covers the rationale for airway assessment. The role of history, examination and investigations. demonstration of airway assessment. Assessing difficulty in mask ventilation, laryngoscopy, front of neck access. What to do with an anticipated difficult airway


Presented by Chris Hellyar

Focussed airway assessment

Video demonstration of an anaesthetic airway assessment


with Mo Salem and Chris Hellyar

Functions of the anaesthetic machine

How to check an anaesthetic machine, the various features and components


Presented by Sonia Dewan

Identifying patients for surgery

Correctly identifying patients for surgery, the relevant guidelines and recommendations


Presented by Sonia Dewan

Transferring and positioning a patient for surgery

Covers commonest surgical positions, risks and benefits including nerve injury, peri-operative visual loss and common surgical indications.


Presented by Chris Hellyar

Anaesthesia for the spontaneously breathing patient

Covering approaches to anaesthesia that preserve patient respiratory drive


Presented by Flora Pollok

Emergence from anaesthesia

Covers the Guedel stages on anaesthesia, complications that can occur during emergence, how to time emergence, extubation and the role of the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU)


Presented by Chris Hellyar

Post operative analgaesia

Covers the commonest used analgesics in anaesthetic practice, their mode of action, side effects and doses.


Presented by Flora Pollok

Post operative oxygen therapy

Covers post operative hypoxia, the rationale for oxygen therapy, target saturations and delivery methods commonly used in theatres and PACU


Presented by Flora Pollok

Post operative nausea and vomiting (PONV)

Covers the pathophysiology of PONV, commonly used anti-emetics and their mode of action


Presented by Flora Pollok

Resuscitation in the operating room

Covers the practicalities of managing a cardiac arrest, identifying arrest under anaesthesia, teamwork, commonly used medications, ensuring effective CPR and resuscitation advanced directives


Presented by Chris Hellyar

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